
本书在充分占有原始资料并认真分析前人及时人对贾谊研究成果的基础上,对其生平事迹及著作真伪。写作年月进行了比较详尽的考辨,对其政治、经济、哲学、伦理、教育、文学等方面的思想,进行了比较全面的探索。作者对许多理论问题提出了自己的见解,在某种程度上是贾谊研究的总结性著作。本书还对陆贾。晁错的生平、思想进行了系统分析,亦不乏新意。A BriefintraductionBased on Collecting all the available source materil andanalys-ing the research achievement about Jiayi by the ancients andthepresents, this book detailed investigates the Jiayi's life story,au-thenticity and/or forgery of his works, and writing time. Inthemeantime, the book widely researches on Jiayi's thoughts ofpoli-tics, economics, philosophy, ethics, education, and literature.Theopinions on lots of theory problems have been advanced, whichwouldbe a summary work on research of Jiayi to some exsent.Furthermore, thebook also systematic analyses the life andthoughts of Lu Ja and CaoCuo, Which are new and original too.