
① 见《谈谈辩证法问题》,《哲学笔记》,人民出版社1963 年版,第411 页。
PrefaceI Forefaihers of Ruan Ji and His Life1. Confucianist Family Origin2.Ruan Ji in His Youth3. Ru Ji in Zheng Shi period4. Ruan Ji in Bamboo ForestPeriod( 1 )A Few Questions about Bamboo Forest period(2)PoliticalHesitatioti and ContradictionⅡ Contradictlons of Rcan JI' s Thougkt andlts HlstoricalStages1. The Basic Characteristics of HisMetaphysicianThought2. Different Inclinations of Thougbt in Ruan Ji 'sWorks( 1 )On Music and Gensral introductico to Yi(2)General introdustiooto Lao Zi(3)Undersianding of Zhnan Zi and Story of the Great Man3. Stagesof Ruan Ji' s Thought(1)from the Viewpoint of Poliiical Siiueiion in theturn of Weiand Jin Dynasties`2)from Ruan Ji's Own Statemenis(3)form theThfferent Times of Ruan Ji's WorksⅢEarly Philosophy: An Ideal ObjectiveWorld1. Cao Wei's Ruling Policy of Name and Legislation andRuan Ji'sConfucian Thought2. On Music-Conception of Whole: Great MusicisMarmonious with Heaven and Earth( 1 )The Harmonious Essence : the Samelmages of Music andHeaven and Earth(2)The Social and Natural Functionsof Music( 3)The Metaphysicinn Tendency : the Highest Music HavingNoDesire3. General Introduction to Yi : the Theory of Whole Re-garding YiIdentical with Heaven and Earth(l )The Wholeness : the Integral Structureof "Every thing isIdentical with One"(2) The Spontaneity : EverlastingChange of the Whole Course(3) Coordination and Marmonization : theIntegral Essence andAim of the Conception of Identity between HeavenandMan4. The Theoretical Significance and Contradictions inOn Music andGeneral Introduction to YiⅣ Later Philooophy: An ldeal Spiritcal World1.Ruan Ji's Conversion from Confucianism to Taoism2. Ruan Ji's NewInterpretation of the Re[ation between Heaven and Man3. Understanding ofZhuang Zi : the Idea of Uniformityof All Things4. Story of the Great Man:
the ldeal Personality andSpiritual State as expressed by "the Great Man"5. The theoretical Significance and Contradictions ofRuan Ji' sMetaphysician Thought Ⅴ Peom of Expressing Feelings: An ContradictFmotionalWorld1. The Twofold Tone of the Time : "Worry over Hu-man Life"and "Satire''2. Symbol of Depression : Iinmortal and Seclusion3.Spiritual Value of the PormN Ruan Ji's Twofold Personalityl. The Splitof Ruan Ji's Personality(1 ) The Eminent Scholar and Ruan Ji's PersonalStructure(2) The Causes and Machanism of Ruan Ji's personal Split2. TheCharacteristics and Manifestation of Ruan Ji'sPersonality(1 ) Isolationfrom Society and Secularity(2) Carefulness and Haie of Evil(3) Praise andDenouncement of Riiual3. The Unbalance of Ruan Ji's Mind and the MeanstoImprove itⅦRuan Ji and the Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest : Comparisionof Thoughts and Personalities1. Ruan Ji and Shan Tao2. Ruan ji andLiu Ling, Ruan Xian3. Ruan Ji and Xiang Xiu , Wang Rong4. Ruan Ji and JiKang( 1) The Defferences and Samilariiies of Theoreiic form andSpiritualInterest(2) Nature and Confucian Eihical Code(3) The ldeal Personalityand the ldeal Personal state(4) The Differences and Samilarities ofPersonai Siurcttire5. A Few Points of ReflectionⅧ Rcau Ji's HistoricalInfluence and Eshmations of Bim 1. Ruan Ji's Historical Influence2.Estimations from Various generations of Scholars(1 ) Ruan Ji's Status inthe Minds of ffeholars after Him(2) The Estimations on Ruan Ji's Thoughtand Manner of Life(3) The Estimations on the Social and Pioiiical Valueof RuanJi'SThought and Manner of Life3. How Should we Appraise Ruan Ji( l )The Imtiation of the Deneration of Zhuang Zi's Meta-physics(2) AnImportant Phase of the Development ol Meiaphysics(3) The Function ofIdeological EmncipationAppendixIndexA Brief IntroductionRuan Ji , politically ambitious in his early age andlivedin,seclusion after the Dian Wu Incident, was aneminenimetephysician in the turn of Wei and Jin Dynasties. Thisbook .by examining ihe differences of his ideas found in theworks of varioussiages of his whole life , unfolds ihe evoluiion of his thought fromConfucianisrn to Taoism. Morespecifically, the rnain stream of thoughiin his early yearswas of confucianism mainiaining sovereiniy overthepeople by a cornbination of rituals , music legislation and adminisrration.and later he converted to Zhuang Zi's Tao-ism ,advocating naturalism , individual peace and freedorn ofmind when herealized the inavoidble degeneration of Confu-cjous moral andpolitical princJples. Eventually the union ofthe remafningConfucianism and Taoism, added to the dis-pair of social reality ,formed his twofold personality--aworried andpainful menial worid.This book deeply ex-plores from various dimensions inctudinghistorical studyand compnrasion with oiher iniellecitials of his time,RuanJj's thought ,personality and life interests. It also rnanifestsingeneral the mental siaies and characierisiics of ihe intel-lectalworld of the time.