首页 -> 2003年第5期
作者:亦 欣
1 To know how to address each student's learning style. 知道如何适应每个学生的学习风格(方式)。
Dianne L. Powell
2 To reflect daily on my teaching practice. 每天反思自己的教学。
Delphine Williamson
3 The ability to communicate with your students and fellow teachers. 与你的学生和同事交流的能力。
Barbara McCelne
4 Knowing and understanding each student as an individual. 把每个学生作为独特个体来了解和理解。
Barbara Kelley
5 Humor and flexibility. 幽默和灵活性。
Allison Kleinsteuber
6 Listen first. 首先要倾听。
Judith Hyden
7 Communication 交流。
Carole Flumerfelt
8 Compassion 同情。
Thomas Lisco
9 To encourage learning. 鼓励学习。
Lois Dumbovic
10 Building relationships with students.与学生建立联系。
Jim Carson
11 Instill the love of learning in each student. 把对学习的爱慢慢渗透到每个学生的心里。
12 Ability to listen and compassion.倾听和同情的能力。
Shuley Ann Bidewka
13 compromise / compassion. 妥协与同情。
Teresa Francoeur
14 Know your subject. 掌握你教的学科。
15 Knowing your student and subject matter. 了解你的学生和学科。
Sue Creekmore
16 Ability to engage students in their own learning. 培养学生自主学习的能力。
Tom Kelly
17 Ability to love students.爱学生的能力。
18 Inspiration to learn. 启发和鼓励学习。
David Greenwald
19 Trying their best to explain the skill taught in several ways, so all students can learn. 竭尽所能用多种方法教学,以使所有的学生都能学会。
Joe Jorgensen
20 flexibility / listening. 灵活性、适应性和倾听。
Linda T. Hoekstra