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LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY   每次我把车停到车库里的时候,不管麦奇在做什么,一听到响动,他就飞也似的奔来迎接我。他又叫又闹,使劲摇着尾巴,毛茸茸的尾巴尖儿在车库的地板上扫来扫去,脖子上的铃铛叮当作响。(从麦奇身上,我终于明白了什么叫做“情不自禁”。)   不论我离家多久,麦奇总是兴高采烈地来迎接我,热情丝毫不减。即使我出去了很久才回来,他也不会叉起胳膊一本正经的说:“我想我们该谈谈了,你曾把咱们的关系说得如何如何……”不,他很高兴看到我,而且让我也知道这一点。
As soon as Munchie hears my car pull up to the garage, he drops whatever he is doing and zooms to meet me. He barks and cries at the same time, wags his tail so hard that he wipes up the garage floor with his fuzzy butt, and he tinkles. (Munchie taught me the meaning of the phrase,“I could hardly contain myself!”
Munchie gives me the same wholehearted greeting no matter how long I have been away. When I come home after a long time he doesn’t sit on his haunches with his arms folded and soberly announce,“I think it’s time we discussed your commitment to our relationship.”He is just happy to see me, and he lets me know it. BE HERE NOW  不论做什么事情,麦奇都全心全意投入其中。他既不会追忆往事,也不会考虑将来。你不会看到他坐在当地的酒吧里抱着一瓶啤酒伤感曾经的爱情。——他没有曾经的爱情,他只爱他眼前的东西。
Munchie is fully present, whatever he is doing. He has no sense of the past or future. You will not find Munchie at a local bar nursing a beer over lose l ove. He has no lost love. He loves whatever is before him.

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