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Q:Tell me about a time when you had to defend an idea to your boss.
A:Once I had to convince my boss to change PR firms.I really believed that our interests on the West Coast werent being met by our Chicagobased firm.I was able to convince him after showing him the demographic shift in our customer base.
Q:What aspect of your management style would you like to change?
A:Ive been working on holding back the urge to tell people the answers when they ask for advice.I think its more mportant to teach people how to solve their own problems.Ive gotten better at coaching and presenting questions and feedback without telling people what to do.
Q:Have you ever felt defensive around your boss or peers?
A:I had to explain once why I thought a blackandwhite brochure was more suitable for the content of an insuranceproduct brochure.No one in my office liked the idea initially,because we were all used to color brochures,and everybody felt that black and white looked cheap.Eventually I convinced them that a more subtle approach would work better to present information about a difficult topicdeath benefits.
Q:Tell me about a learning experience that affected your management style.
A:Early in my job at the bank,I wrote a letter to an EVP but failed to make copies for the two AVPs who worked for him.One of them was impacted by the content of the memo and concluded that Id circumvented him on purpose.Ive really been careful about chain of command ever since.
Q:Have you patterned your management style after someone in particular?
A:Ive emulated my first boss in many ways.I keep a file for each member of my staff on my desk.They can throw notes,ideas,work they want me to review,or anything else in there,and I do the same with material I have for them.It's an xtraform of communication whenever one of us gets an idea.Then,when we sit down to talk,the issues we need to cover are in one place,at our fingertips.

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