首页 -> 2003年第12期



  Hey, there, it's time for sharing now! Just sit back and relax yourself!
  The Tale of Christmas
  It all began about 2000 years ago. An angel appeared to a Jewish (1) girl named Mary and gave her good news: “You will have a son. His name will be Jesus, the Savior. (2) When the baby was almost due (3), Mary and her fiancé (4) Joseph went to their hometown, Bethlehem (5), for a census (6). The only place they could find to stay was an animal stable. There the special baby was born.
  Angels announced the joyful news to some shepherds (7). They left their sheep and hurried to see the baby. Some time later, wise men from the East saw an unusual star. They knew someone great had been born. The star led them to Bethlehem. When they found the child Jesus, they offered (8)him gifts fit for a king.
  The celebration of this special birth came to be called Christmas. Through the ages, people developed many Christmas traditions. The custom of decorating Christmas trees began centuries ago. People in many ancient cultures decorated homes with trees and greenery (9) in winter. In the Middle Ages. Christians in Europe added lights and religious symbols(10) to everygreens to make Christmas trees. Santa Claus has become one of the most famous Christmas figures(11), particularly in America. His legend started with a kind of bishop named St. Nicolas who lived around 300 A.D. and was known for (12) his generosity. (13)The practice of giving Christmas gifts comes from the gifts offered to the child Jesus by the wise men of the East. The star on top of the Christmas tree symbolizes the star that led the wise men to Jesus.
  Sometimes Christmas can become just a ritual.(14) Many American see Christmas as just a time for shopping for the perfect gift. Advertisers and businesses begin promoting Christmas earlier every year. Stores remind customers of how many shopping days are left until Christmas. It’s almost a modern Christmas custom to spend too much money Credit card debts often take months to pay off.(15) Even children can become materialistic. (16) They think only of what they will get from Santa Claus.
  Despite the hustle (17) and bustle of the Christmas Rush(18), most Americans feel Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It’s a time of excitement (18), a time of joy, a time to show love in special ways. Best of all, Christmas is not just for Americans. Christmas is for everybody in the world.
  讲解(3)due:产期临近,快生了。Due的用法其实很多,比如它可以表示应给的、应支付的、到期的:The money is due to you(应该支付给你的钱)./a bill due today(今天到期的账单).另外,due还可以当适当的、充分的讲:driving with due care and attention(小心谨慎地开车)./in due time(在适当的时候)
   fiancée: 未婚妻:
  讲解(8)offer:提供。比如:offer a help: 向某人提供帮助,帮助某人。Offer a place to live(向某人提供歇脚处,提供住处)
  讲解(10)Middle Ages:中世纪;religious symbols宗教象征
  讲解(11)Santa Claus圣诞老人;
  讲解(12)be known for:因……而闻名
  讲解(15)pay off:偿还、付清
  讲解(18)rush: 匆忙、急奔、忙忙碌碌的
  Nothing expresses people's luxuriant feeling more than music.没有什么比音乐更能传达人们内心丰富的感受了。在西方的各式节日中,圣诞节大概算得上最能引发人们填词赋曲、吹拉弹唱兴致的一个盛大节日了。记忆中, 每当圣诞来临,大街小巷都会回荡起这首《平安夜》!
  这首脍炙人口的歌曲曲子动听,歌词优美,词句中充满着安宁祥和的味道。可以想象,当年默默无闻的约瑟夫神父在圣诞节前的晚上,在山坡上望着奥地利乡村月下的景色,遥想圣经中关于救主降生的记载,感慨上帝借着肉身的圣子成就的救恩,是何等地心怀感激,灵感奔涌。写下这“Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht”(德语:寂静的夜晚、神圣的夜晚)的不朽诗句。就是这么一位默默无闻的乡村小教堂的神父和一位名不见经传的业余作曲者,为世人创作、留下这首流芳百世的圣诞名曲。《平安夜》的来历本身可以说就是一个奇迹。
   Silent Night (ENGLISH)
  Silent night Holy night!
  All is calm all is bright,
  'Round you virgin Mother and Child,
  Holy infant so tender and mild,
  Sleep in heavenly peace,
  Sleep in heavenly peace.
  Silent night, holy night,
  Shepherds quake at the sight.
