首页 -> 2008年第11期
The little man always wore a big red hat.
When he went down the road,he did not even say“good morning”or“good afternoon”to anyone.
especially[is'peli] 特别地,尤其
Not so long ago there lived a strange little man.His hut stood on the side of a hill.He Iived there all alone.He was indeed a strange man.
strange[streid] 奇怪
hut[ht] 小屋,棚屋
hill[hil] 山
all alone 单独的
He never raised his hat to anyone either.He even did not raise it to the most beautiful woman in the town。He really was a rude man.
One day an old woman,who was a witch,walked along the road and approached his hut.
She was so thirsty that she stopped near the little man’s hut.
rude[ru:d] 无礼的,粗鲁的
witch[wit] 女巫
approach['prut] 接近
thirsty[':sti] 渴的
Just at that moment the strange little man came up the hill.He was on his way home.
The old woman saw him and said,“Can you give me a cup of water,please?I am so thirsty。”
moment['mumnt] 瞬间
The little man looked at her and said nothing.
“Please give me a little water,” called the old woman again.
“I have no water for you,”cried the little man,“Go and get water somewhere else.”
else[els] 别的,其他的
“But l am so tired and thirsty,”said the old woman.
“Go away,”shouted the little man.
“You should take your hat off when you speak to me,”said the old woman.
“Take my hat off?”he repeated,“What for?”
shout[aut] 喊叫
“It is rude to talk to a woman with your hat on,”replied the old woman.
“I’ll take my hat off when l please,”cried the little man angrily.
reply[ri'plai] 回答,答复