首页 -> 2008年第9期
夸张是指用丰富的想象故意夸大事物的特征,使之言过其实,以增强表达效果。例如:That towering pile of work -everything from mail to memos-is right where you left it.(这堆成山似的工作,什么邮件呀,备忘录呀还仍旧留在原来的地方。)(用towering pile of work堆成山似的工作,以增强表达效果)学生模仿:Thanks a million.
这是一种将结构相同或基本相同、意义完全相反的语句排列在一起,以达到加强效果的修辞手法。例如:Why is it that the more connected we get,the more disconnected I feel ? (为什么我们联系的越多我却越感到失去联系呢?)(the more connected,the more disconnected)
7.反问(Rhetorical Question)
反问是一种无需回答的问题,常为说服效果而使用。If you arrive so late at the airport at railway station to find the guest has gone already,What's the use of your going there? (要是你很晚才到机场或火车站,到那里时发现客人已经走了,那么你去又有什么用呢?)(What’s the use of your going there=It’s useless of your going there.)学生模仿:If you go to work so late that all the jobs have been finished,what’s the use of your going there?
8.押韵 (Rhyming)
押韵是重复相同的读音或字母进行押韵的修辞手法。使用押韵读起来朗朗上口,易于记忆,可增强音调的和谐与美感。押韵有头韵、尾韵等。(1)头韵 (Alliteration) 在单词的开头重复相同的字母或读音的押韵构成头韵。例如:With every member’s unselfish contribution to our work here,the job became a joy to me.(有了各位会员对我们的工作所做的无私奉献,我对会长工作已是乐此不疲。)(job,joy)学生模仿:Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。(2)尾韵 (Consonance)在单词的末尾重复相同的字母或读音的押韵构成尾韵。例如:The end of the term came much too soon..(term,came).
9.轭式搭配 (Zeugma)
是用一个词(动词、形容词或介词)与两个以上的在意义上不相干的名词搭配。它可以使语言简练活泼,富有幽默感。例如:Stew Leonard decided to redesign his dairy business to suit the changing times and his personal character.(斯蒂 伦纳德决定要重新打造他的牛奶生意,以适应时代的变化,并体现他的性格。)(the changing times,his personal character.)学生模仿:They decided to design the clothes to fit the changing of times and the interest of young people.
10.矛盾修饰 (Oxymoron)
矛盾修饰是把相互矛盾的两个词用在一起的修辞方法。它利用词义表面的相互矛盾使表层的不和谐统一在思想内容的深层,从而揭示事物对立统一的本质特征,达到加深印象的目的。例如:Is that what your work life feels like day after day-an endless number of little tasks and big headaches ?(这是你日复一日的工作感受吗--没完没了的小任务叫人头疼?)(an endless number of little tasks,big headaches)学生模仿:Is that what your study life fells like day after day-an endless number of little tasks to finish and big headaches ?