首页 -> 2008年第9期



  They were passing other people without looking at them,saying hello,noticing their babies or stopping to pet their puppies.(他们经过别人身边时,既不抬眼看看、不打声招呼、也不会注意他们带的孩子或停下来拍拍他们可爱的小狗。)(4个并列的动名词短语形象生动地描绘出人们视而不见的冷漠关系,looking..,saying…,noticing…,stopping…动名词短语平行结构使句子节奏平衡,简洁生动。)
  Pumping gas at the station ? Why say good morning to the attendant when you can swipe your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact?
  Making a deposit at the bank?Why talk to a clerk who might live in the neighborhood when you can just insert your card into the ATM?
  你在加油站加油吗?既然你可以用信用卡在加油泵旁自动刷卡,免除与人打交道的麻烦,又何必还要对加油站的工作人员打招呼呢?你在银行存款吗?既然你可以将信用卡插入取款机提款,又何必要和可能与你同住一个街坊的银行职员说话呢?(Pumping…,making…;why say…,why talk…分词短语和不定式短语平行结构使句子富有节奏与韵律美,清晰地表达出作者对这一可能发生现象的忧虑)
  With email and instant messaging over the Internet,we can now communication without seeing or talking to one another.With voice-mail,you can conduct entire conversation without ever reaching anyone.(有了因特网上的电子邮件和即时通信,我们现在的通讯可以不必彼此会面或交谈。有了有声邮件,你可以进行全部谈话而不必面对任何人。)(本句用了两个平行句With…,with…;we can…,you can…without…without…,使语句强调的内容得到突出并带给人一种均衡稳定的美感)
  明喻是把所要描写的人事物用比喻词与另一种具有相同特点的人事物联系起来,使之更为生动形象。常用的比喻词有as,like,seem,as if,as though等。
  (1)Like引导。例如:Many people now tell me that I talk like a book.现在许多人告诉我听我讲话就像看书。(like a book比喻贴切,语言形象)学生模仿:People like listening to her singing because she sings like an angel.
  (2)As引导。例如:I hope I can be as smart as you are.我希望我能像你一样聪明。(明喻习语as…as简洁明快,短小精悍)学生模仿:I hope I can be as humorous as you are.
  (3)As if引导。例如:He slowly turned to the right and then to the left,looking at each of us in turn as if he wanted to register the picture on his mind.他慢慢转过脸向右边看,又向左边看,依次看着我们每个人,仿佛想把眼前的一幕铭记在心中。(as if…十分传神地表达出依依惜别的景象。)
  Mr Stone gave us the greatest gift a teacher can bestow——an awakening of a passion for learning.(斯通先生给予我们的是一个教师所能给予的最好的礼物——唤起了我们的求知欲。)(the greatest gift即an awakening of a passion for learning起到表达生动、形象,令人回味无穷的效果。)学生模仿:My mother gives me the great gift——the love for me.
  (1)以容器代替内容。例如:The whole plane burst into smiles and applause.飞机上爆发出一片笑声和掌声。(the whole plane-the people in the plane形象生动,意味隽永)学生模仿:The whole class burst into song after their moving presentation.
  (2)以具体事物代替抽象概念。例如:They both felt a strong bond as they hugged and cried.当他们相拥而泣时,两个人都感到身体里有一股神奇的亲情引力。(a strong band-the thing-the selfless love that connected them令人回味无穷,达到表达生动形象的效果。)学生模仿:It is the golden chain-the kindness that bound us together.
  倒装是英语中一个重要的修辞手段,是为加强语气、更生动地描写动作并使句子平衡而使用的一种结构。例如:From Internet influence comes “@ group” or “net worm”,a way to describe Internet addicts.(因受网络影响,“@组”和“网虫”这两个网迷代名词产生了。)
  (from Internet influence comes…起到强调的作用)学生模仿:In came a man with a big bag on his back.
