首页 -> 2007年第1期
作者:杨闰荣 隋 雪
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The Neural Mechanism of Developmental Dyslexia and Its effect on Second Language Aquisition
YANG Runrong SUI Xue
(School of Education, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, 116029)
Abstract The researches have found that developmental dyslexia exists in almost every language and writing system.There are different brain activation regions between alphabetical dyslexia and nonalphabetical dyslexia in reading.The effect of dyslexia in native language on second language acquisition has been a heated issue in researches on developmental dyslexia in recent years. There are two main bilingual dyslexia hypotheses: one is linguistic interdependence hypothesis, which claims that reading difficulties can be transferred automatically from one language to another; the other is orthographic dependent hypothesis, which claims that whether reading difficulties in native language can be transferred to the second language depends on the orthographic features of these two languages. We don't think the two hypotheses are contradictory. Whether dyslexia can occur in two languages depends on if the two languages use the same deficient nerve system.
Key words dyslexia bilingual linguistic interdependence hypothesis orthographic dependent hypothesis