首页 -> 2007年第3期
作者:李国红 丁道群
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18 陈英和,耿柳娜.数学焦虑的认知取向.心理科学,2002,6:653-764
Strategies of Multimedia Instruction for Children
with Mathematical Learning Disabilities
LI Guohong DING Daoqun
(Department of Psychology, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, 4 10081)
AbstractHow to take valid interventions for children withmathematical learni ng disabilities concerns many educators. It is found that deficit in working mem ory is the essential cause of mathematical learning disabilities. Aiming at limi ted capacity of working memory, instructions based on cognitive load theory makeuse of multimedia to facilitate meaningful learning. Intending to take workingmemory as the bridge, this article, combined with cognitive load theory, suggest s several intervention measures in multimedia instruction for children with math ematical learning disabilities, and then points out future research direction.
Key wordsmathematical learning disabilities w orking memory cognitive load multimedia instruction