首页 -> 2007年第4期
作者:王庭照 赵亚军
5 结论
(1)在对拓扑等价任务和拓扑不等价任务的反应速度上,听力正常人存在显著差异,表现 为对拓扑不等价任务的反应速度快于对拓扑等价任务的;聋人不存在显著差异。
(2)在对拓扑等价任务和拓扑不等价任务的反应准确性上,聋人和听力正常人均不存在显 著差异。
(4)聋人和听力正常人在对拓扑等价任务的反应准确性上不存在显著差异,而在对拓扑不 等价任务的反应准确性上存在显著差异,表现为听力正常人的反应准确性高于聋人。
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Comparative Experimental Study on Perception of
Topological Properties of Deaf and
Normal-Hearing Humans
WANG Tingzhao12ZHAO Yajun3
(1.Department of Special Education,East China Normal Universit y,Shanghai,20062;
2.Department of Psychology,Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an,710062;
3.Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences,Zhejiang University,H angzhou,310027)
AbstractAdopting the experimental model of detection taskof target stimuli un der different topological equivalent properties, this study examined differencesin the ability of perception of topological properties of 12 deaf and 16 normal -hearing human subjects. The results showed that: (1) In terms of the reaction t ime in detecting the topological differences and non-topological differences, th ere was a significant difference in normal-hearing subjects. They were faster inresponding to non-topological differences than typological differences. There w ere no significant differences in the deaf subjects. (2) In terms of the accurac y in detecting the topological differences and non-topological differences, ther e were no significant differences between the deaf and normal-hearing subjects.(3) In terms of the reaction time, there were no significant group differences b etween the deaf and normal-hearing subjects in responding to both the topologica l differences and non-topological differences. (4) Both the deaf and normal-hear ing subjects did not differ significantly from each other in terms of the accura cy in typological differences. However, there were significant group differencesin terms of the accuracy in non-typological differences, such that normal-heari ng subjects displayed higher accuracy than deaf subjects.
Key wordsdeaf humans normal-hearing humans perceptio n of topological properties