首页 -> 2007年第5期
作者:蒋 奖 许 燕
5 结论
5.1 罪犯中反社会人格障碍阳性率存在显著性别差异,男性罪犯中反社会人格阳性率高于女性罪犯。
5.2 罪犯中反社会人格障碍存在年龄差异,随着年龄增大,反社会人格障碍的阳性率逐渐降低。18-24岁罪犯的反社会人格发生率最高,45岁及以上罪犯中反社会人格发生率最低。
5.3 罪犯中反社会人格障碍的阳性率在受教育程度上存在差异,大专及以上文化程度罪犯中的反社会人格发生率低于其他文化程度组。
5.4 未婚罪犯中反社会人格障碍的阳性率显著高于已婚和离异罪犯。
5.5 与初犯相比,两次及多次进监狱的累犯的反社会人格障碍阳性率显著高于初犯。
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Survey on Antisocial Personality Disorders in Criminals
JIANG Jiang XU Yan
(College of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875)
866 criminals were surveyed on questionnaires regarding their anti-social personality disorder (ASPD). Results indicated that: (1) Significant gender difference was observed in the prevalence rates of ASPD. The prevalence rate of ASPD in male criminals was higher than that of female criminals. (2) The prevalence rate of ASPD dropped with the increase in age. Criminals between 18 and 24 years old had the highest prevalence rates, while criminals over 45 years old had the lowest. (3) The prevalence rates of ASPD in criminals varied according to educational attainment. Criminals with tertiary qualifications or above showed lower prevalence rates as compared to criminals with other levels of education attainment. (4) Criminals who were single also had higher prevalence rates of ASPD than those who were married or divorced. (5) Criminals who were repeated offenders also had higher prevalence rates than criminals who were first offenders.
Key Words
criminals antisocial personality disorders survey