首页 -> 2007年第10期
之前看祝酒词的时候,史蒂芬同学的文字远比罗瑞的更打动我。不过照现场形势看来,罗瑞的祝酒词似乎更有冲击力。果然语言就是力量啊!她的一席话好像催泪瓦斯,所及之处众人无一“幸免”。我一边抹着眼泪,一边环顾四周。坐在我们桌的都是轴心人物:新郎新娘的父母那时必定是百感交集。眼看着自己的宝贝儿女转眼长大成人,渐渐脱离他们的保护伞,自然是又欣慰又不舍的。再加上罗瑞的“重磅炸弹”推波助澜,他们不泪如雨下才怪。继续推移目光,新郎的几个姨奶奶,也是激动得泪光闪闪,不时掏出纸巾擦拭眼泪。哭得最伤心的要属新郎外婆的男朋友 那位绅士风度十足的教书先后了。按说他第一次被带来出席家庭聚会,和大家尤其是新人还不算很熟。这悲伤到底从何而来呢?我猜不是多愁善感惹的祸。
I don`t quite know how I`m going to tollowwhat the best man said, but I`II give it a try. I wantto start by congratulating Enik and Ling, and thanking a11 of you for coming here today. Ling, I havenever seen a more bcautiful bride. You look abso-lutely stunning and you truly are my princess.
They say you don`t marry SOmmeone you can livewith - you marry the prson who you cannot livewithout. I am certain that this holds true with Erikand Ling When I look at the both of you, I see twopeple who complete one another. I guess you couldsay that you were the missing puzzle picces in eachother`s lives. I see the way Enik looks at you and itis so obvious how much he adores you. The way hetreats you mirrors the way he treats my mother.She is the only woman in the world next to you,that Enik truly cherishes. You are everything to himand I know that he will forever treasure your love.
Ling, before I met you 1 remember inquiringabout Enrik`s “new girlfiend” to my parents. Theywere so incredibly happy that he was dating someoneso beautiful inside and out, But, it was not until Isaw the way you treated my brother as well as theway you treated our famity, that I realized howunbelievably special you are. Since the very beginming,you have always opened your heart to us and havemade a point of getting to know us all. I always tookmotice of all the times you would sit in the livingroom with lily parents and talk to them even whenErik wasn`t around.
I remember being very enviousof Enik and thinking to myself how lucky he was tohave such an extraordinary girlfriend. I always hopedthat I could find somebody who would fit in with my