陳旦 “列子楊朱篇”偽書新證(節錄)原文載一九二四年國學叢刊二卷一期
白佛言,我(阿闍世王自稱)昔一時,至散若昆羅黎子所(Sangaya of the Belatthaclan)問言:“大德!如人乘象馬車,習於兵法,乃至種種營生,皆現有果報。今者此眾現在修道,現得報否?”彼(指外道)答我言:“現有沙門果報,問如是答,此事如是,此事實,此事異,此事不異,此事非異,非不異。大王!現無沙門果報,問如是答,此事如是,此事實,此事異,此事非異,非不異。大王!現非有非無沙門果報,問如是答,此事如是,此事實,此事異,此事非異,非不異。”
The Fruits of the Life of a Recluse )轉抄此段如下,讀者當能更明其所意云何。(見
Sacred Books of the Buddhis-ts,Vol。II )
When,one day,I had thus asked Sangaya of the Belattha clan,he said:“If you ask me whether there is another world─ ─well,if I thought therewere,I would say so 。But I don't say so。And I don't say there neither is,nor is not,another world。And if you ask me about the beings producedby chance;or whether there is any fruit,any result,of goodor bad actions;or whether a man who has won the truth continues,or not,after death─ ─ to each or any of these questions do I give the same reply。 ”
Agita of the garment of hair
上文恐於原本梵文為意譯,故詞句甚簡潔。東晉曇無蘭所譯寂志果經,詞句或與今本有異。今籀讀 Max Miller氏英譯本,意義更顯明。節抄如下: When,one day,I had thus asked Agita of the garment of hair,he said:“ There is no such thing,O King,as alms or sacrifice or offering。There isneither fruit nor result of good or evil deeds。There is no such thing as thisworld or the next。There is neitherfather nor mother,nor being springinginto life without them。There are in the world no recluses or Brahmans whohave reached the highest point,who walk perfectly,and who having underst -ood and realized,make their wisdom known to others。
A human being is built up of the four elements when he dies the eart-hy in him returns and relapses to the earth,the fluid to the water,the heatto the fire,the windy to the air,and his faculties pass into space。The fourbearers,on the bier as a fifth,take his dead body away;till they reach the burning-ground men utter forth eulogies,but there his bonesare bleached,and his offerings end in ashes。It is a doctrine of fools,this talk of gifts。It is an empty lie,mere idle talk,when men say there is profit therein。Foolsand wise alike,on the dissolution of the body,are cut off,annihilated,andafter death they are not。 ”
When,one day,I had thus asked Makkhali of the cow-pen,he said:“ Thereis ,O King,no cause,either ultimate or remote,for the depravity of beings;they become depraved without reason and without cause。There is no cause,either proximate or remote,for the rectitude of being;they become purewithout reason and without cause。The attainment of any given condition,of any character,does not depend either on one's own acts,or on the acts of another,or on human effort。There is no such thing as power or energy,or human strength or human vigour。All animals,all creatures(with one,two,or more senses),all being(produced from eggs or in a womb),all souls(inplants)are without force and power and energy of their own。They are bentthis way and that by their fate,by the necessary conditions of the class towhich they belong,by their individual nature:and it is according to their po-sition in one or other of the six classes that they experience ease or pain。”