首页 -> 2007年第4期


作者:余 强

  10 U.S. Department of Education. Twenty-fourth annual report to congresson theimplementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Washington,DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2002. III-43
  Trends in Special Education Placement for the
  Primary and Secondary Schools in U. S.
  YU Qiang
  (School of Educational Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nan jing,210097)
  AbstractBased on the policy of inclusive educat ion, the United States provide s 4 major types of educational environments for children with disabilities. Withyears of practice, a rather stable and reasonable model of placement has been d eveloped. To achieve optimal development of the students, students with differen t types of disabilities are allocated to different classes. Students with normalintelligence or mild sensory impairment are mainly allocated to regular classes . Mentally-retarded students and those with severe sensory impairment are taughtseparately in “resources classes”. Among the 600,000 mentally-retarded primar yand secondary school students, only around 10 percent of them are placed in regu lar classes.
  Key wordsInclusive education placement resource roomseparate environment

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