首页 -> 2008年第1期


作者:杨明利 袁 茵

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  The Current Research Situation of Cognitive Deficiency in
  Autistic Children in China
  YANG Mingli YUAN Yin
  (Department of Preschool and Special Education, Liaoning Norma l University, Dalian, 116029)
  Abstract The theory of mind deficit hypothesis, executive dysfunction hypothe sis and central coherence deficit hypothesis are three mature cognitive theories that can explain all kinds of disorders about autistic children. These theories can provide better explanations for many behavioral characteristics in autistic children. In our country, more and more attention is paid to these theories, an d there are also some reports related to these theories. This article reviews re search on the theory of mind, executive function and central coherence function about autistic children, and tries to determine the existing problems in this fi eld and the research direction in the future.
  Key words autism theory of mind executive function c entral coherence function

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