首页 -> 2007年第7期


作者:胡 芳

  但是,它有时也含有无用、胆怯等贬义。如(1)Although they got a lot of nice wedding presents, they also got one or two white elephants 虽然他们收到许多很好的结婚礼品,但也得到几件昂贵而无用的东西。(2)Don't show the white-feather fight for your beliefs不要怯懦, 要为你的信念而战。 (3) He said he didn't want to have a white-collar job and sit in an office all day他说他不愿意做文职工作,整天坐在办公室里。
  英语中,黑色是禁忌色,它象征沮丧、愤怒, 如(1)black dog沮丧情绪。(2)The future looks black前途暗淡。(3)He gives me a black look他对我怒目而视。 (4) The black dog is over him 他意气消沉。
  它还象征耻辱、不光彩,如 (1)a black mark污点。(2)Ken is the black sheep of his family肯是个败家子。(3)Next time I see him, I'll give him a black eye. 下次我见到他一定打他一顿(让他丢脸)。
  它进一步引申为死亡、凶兆、灾难,甚至是邪恶和犯罪的象征,如(1)a black letter day凶日。(2)black words不吉利的话。(3)to wear black for his mother 为他母亲戴孝。(4)He came out of the fight black and blue 打架之后,他遍体鳞伤。(5)Black Man邪恶的恶魔。(6)blackmail敲诈、勒索。(7)black guard恶棍、流氓。(8)a black deed极其恶劣的行为。
  如果将它看作是黄色的变异,则更多地表示消沉,有一种即将消逝的感觉。如(1) The leaves browned slowly. 树叶渐渐枯了。(2) They are all of them done brown. 他们都上当了。
  从拟人化的角度看,它更多的倾向于表示厌烦、无所事事。如He is browned off, all day with nothing to do. 他整天没事干,感到抑郁无聊。有时也表示处于沉思和专注的状态。如in a brown study在沉思冥想中。
  粉红色是红色的一种变异,象征精华,极致,如(1)the pink of perfection非常完美的东西或人。(2)the pink of politeness彬彬有礼。
  它还象征上流社会, 如(1)pink lady高格调鸡尾酒。(2)pink tea上流社交活动。(3)a pink-collar worker高层次女秘书。
