首页 -> 2007年第7期


作者:胡 芳

  英语中的红色是一个贬意较强的词,是“火”与“血”的联想,象征着残暴,如(1)a red battle血战。(2)red revenge血腥复仇。(3)The red rules of tooth and claw暴力统治。
  进一步引申,它还象征着激进和暴力革命,如(1)a red revolution 赤色革命。(2)red hot political campaign激烈的政治运动。(3)red activities左派激进活动。
  当然,从相对缓和的含义来看,它还象征危险和紧张,如(1)red alert空袭报警。(2)a red adventure story一个令人紧张的冒险故事。(3)A red flag危险信号旗。(4)When he started criticizing my work, I really saw red 当他批评我的工作时,我就发脾气。(5)You said that l am very good. Is my face red? 你说我很好,真使我难为情了。(6)We'll soon be out of the red我们很快就会扭亏为盈。(7)They had to sell the firm because for years they had operated it in the red因为经营这家公司几年来一直亏损,所以他们只好把它卖掉。
  它还象征着放荡、淫秽,如(1)a red light district红灯区,(2)a red waste of his youth他因放荡而浪费的青春。
  红色的褒义多得益于不同文化对英语的渗透。如(1)The president was treated to the red carpet in Rome总统在罗马受到了隆重的接待。(2)a red-letter day值得纪念的日子。
  英语中,黄色带有不好的象征意义,它多象征低级趣味和卑鄙、胆怯。如(1)yellow press黄色报刊(2)yellow journalism黄色办报作风。(3)yellow dog卑鄙的人(4)He is too yellow to stand up and fight他太胆怯,不敢奋起战斗。(5)He has a yellow streak in him 他胆小。(6) We can't afford to have anyone in this enterprise who is likely to turn yellow when the testing-time comes我们的企业不能雇用在考验关头可能畏缩不前的人。
  英语中,绿色象征着青春、活力,如(1)in the green wood在青春旺盛的时代(2)in the green 血气方刚(3)a green old age老当益壮。
  也可以象征新鲜,如(1)green recollection记忆犹新(2)keep the memory green永远不忘(3)He has a green wound in the left breast 他左胸上有一新伤口。
  但是从贬义来看,它既象征幼稚、没有经验,又象征妒忌。如(1)He is still green to his job. 他对其工作尚无经验。(2)Do you see any green in my eye? 你认为我幼稚可欺吗?(3)a green horn容易上当的糊涂虫。(4)a green hand生手;(5) the green-eyed monster妒忌。(6)green with envy充满妒嫉。(7)a green eye 妒嫉的眼睛。
  英语中,它能象征高贵、深沉和严肃,如(1)He is proud of his blue blood他因出身名门望族而骄傲。(2)blue ribbon最高荣誉的标志(3)blue nose严守教规的卫道士(4)blue laws严格的法规。(5) True blue will never stain真金不怕火炼。(6) It's once in a blue moon that you get a chance like that你得到的是个千载难逢的机会。
  比较中性的用法是突然和迅速,如(1)out of the blue突爆冷门(2)The bad news came like a bolt out of the blue这消息来得如晴天霹雳。(3)blue streak一闪即逝的东西。 (3) He can read like a blue streak 他看书很快。
  贬义来看,它象征忧郁、沮丧,如(1)feel blue不高兴(2)a blue outlook悲观的人生观,(3)Things are looking extremely blue情况极其不妙,(4)A rainy day always gives me the blues 下雨天总是使我心情抑郁。它还象征猥亵、下流,如(1)blue revolution“性解放”。(2)blue movie 色情电影。(3)blue talk下流言论。
  英语中紫色的象征意义跟帝王将相和宗教有关,如(1)the purple 帝位。(2)be born in the purple生在王侯贵族之家。(3)marry in the purple嫁入豪门。(4)be raised to the purple升为红衣主教。
  英语中,白色是崇尚色,象征高雅纯洁和纯真无邪。如(1)a white soul纯洁的心灵。(2)white wedding穿白礼服的婚礼。
  它进一步象征着幸运。如(1)the white days吉日。(2)white magic有天使相助的法术。(3)He is the white-headed boy of the new generation 他是新一代中的宠儿。(4) In his youth he was treated as the white hope of the American theater他在青年时期就被认为是能为美国戏剧界带来荣誉的人。
  它又引申为正直、诚实,如(1)a white spirit正直的精神。 (2)white hand廉洁、诚实。(3)white men有教养的人。 (4)They treated us white他们公正地对待我们。
  它还有合法、无恶意的意思,如( 1)white market合法市场。(2)white list经过批准的合法明单。(3)Sometimes we are forced to tell white lies有时,我们被迫要讲些无害的谎言。
