首页 -> 2008年第10期



  Cultural Differences between Chinese and Americans
  第三轮是讨论关于友谊的谚语。学生抢答相对应的中文意思。例如,Everything is good when new, but friends when old.(物莫如新,友莫如故)Good friends weigh more than blood brother.(好朋友赛过亲兄弟)A hedge(障碍物)between keeps friendship green.(君子之交淡如水)He that lies down (sleeps) with dogs must rise up with fleas(跳蚤).(近朱者赤,近墨者黑)Without a friend, the world is a wilderness. (没有朋友,世界变荒原)Sincerity is the bridge to friendship.(真诚是通向友谊的桥梁)If you live to be a hundred,I want to live to be a hundred minus one day,so I never have to live without you./True friendship is like sound health;the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.
  第四轮比赛是两组各自讨论如何描述一位你的好朋友,再派几位组员汇报一下。Describe one of your friends. You should say:Who is he/she ?How long have you known each other?How did you get to know each other?What do you usually do together?…
  第五轮是辩论赛。Discuss this topic:Someone says that there is no true friendship but love between boys and girls. Do you agree or disagree? Please give your reasons./Divide the class into two groups. Group1 holds the positive opinion, while Group 2 holds the negative idea. 辩论促进学生们更加熟悉该内容的有效方法之一,学生们对辩论问题的知识愈丰富就愈能发挥他们的思想。教师应在辩论结束后对正反两个辩论组分别作客观的评估,并提醒学生们以 “对事不对人”的态度去检讨整个辩论的过程,且避免个人的情绪化表现。经过五轮竞赛,学生对于友谊这主题理解也透彻了。课外作业布置学生写一篇关于友谊的文章,他们就会觉得有话可写。
  4.作文课中。这学期的高三复习研讨课,笔者曾以travel and environment 为主题,尝试以讨论式教学法为主要的课堂教学方法。
  第一步,激活阶段。激活原有知识(activation)。当相关的旧经验被激活时,才能够促进学习。在这一步中,通过旅游这一主题指导学习者回忆和联系高一和高二学过的相关的知识,使之成为这堂写作课的基础。以《走遍美国》的一段录像导入,内容是两对夫妇周末郊游野餐。Question: Why do people travel? 学生对子讨论后提供了各种各样的回答,如visit famous, interesting places;meet new friends;experience life;look for an unusual experience;relax oneself等。教师再不失时机地呈现有关旅游的谚语:Travel broadens the mind. He who doesn’t travel doesn’t know the value of life. Life is a daring adventure or nothing. Travelling is almost like talking with men of other centuries.在复习有关旅游的单词和短语中,教师设计了一个游戏:What words and phrases can you think of when we talk about travelling?六位学生走上讲台,排成一排,轮流说。说不上来的同学回到座位,最后留下的那位就是冠军了。学生运用了“头脑风暴法”,想出了很多有关的词语,同时营造了欢快和谐的课堂氛围。然后复习高二下册 Unit15 Destinations中的一些描述风景点的好句,挖去部分内容,让学生根据中文提示填空,为下面的写作打下伏笔。如Rio, Brazil’s second largest city, stretches itself lazily along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.Few visitors leave Rio ____________(感到失望).Located in southern Austria, Kitzbuhel is ________________(滑雪者的天堂).The good weather and _________________(令人叹为观止的景色)make Kitzbuhel a world-class ski resort.A walk around Kitzbuhel is__________________(大饱眼福)What will they do with the leftovers(剩菜)after eating?学生可能回答把剩菜等带回去。教师引出eco-travel 一词。在高一上册Unit3 Going Places中,有生态旅游的介绍。Eco-travel is a form of travel that ______(结合)normal tourism _____ learning. Instead of simply travelling for pleasure, you can use your trip as a way to ______________(保护环境).如果环境真的被污染了,那我们应该怎么办呢?If there exists the environment problem, what should we do?在SB1A unit10 The World Around Us 和SB2A unit9 Saving the earth 中,列举了许多保护环境的举措。
  第二步,展示阶段。展示论证新知(demonstration)。教师精心选了两篇写作范文,一篇关于丽江的概述A Brief introduction to Lijiang,另一篇关于丽江文化遗产的保护Tour through Yunnan and problem of world heritage protection。在这一步中,教师精心处理这两篇文章,从总体的写作布局到具体好词好句的应用,让学生明白好文章是如何构成的。

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