首页 -> 2007年第7期


作者:隋 雪 王小东 钱 丽

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  The Filtration Criteria of Developmental Dyslexia
  SUI Xue WANG Xiaodong QIAN Li
  (School of Education , Liaoning Normal University,Dalian,116029)
  Abstract After literature review on developmental dyslexia, it is found that there are great differences in the filtration criteria applied in developmental dyslexia researches. Frequently used filtration criteria include IQ-based Discrepancy Model, Discrepancy Pattern of listening and reading comprehension and criteria based on PASS Model, Phonological Awareness Model or the outcome of educational remediation. The drawbacks of different filtration criteria are analyzed and orientation of future research on filtration criteria is put forward.
  Key words dyslexia developmental dyslexia filtration criteria

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